Winter Fun

Winter is not my favorite time of year. I don’t get nearly as much exercise, I don’t eat as healthy and honestly, I am not as motivated. So, I put some deep thought and family discussion time into listing things my family can do for winter fun. Bucket lists are a great way to get motivated and try something new. This is our new family winter bucket list.

Things to Do Outside

  • Winter Scavenger Hunt
  • Go ice skating
  • Kick back in an outdoor hot tub
  • Go stargazing
  • Take a wintry hike
  • Breathe in the smell of pine
  • Build snow forts
  • Try friluftsliving
  • Do the Polar Bear Plunge

Things to Do Inside

  • Make Homemade Hot Chocolate
  • Enjoy a living room picnic
  • Build pillow/blanket forts
  • Mail a handwritten card to an old friend or distant relative
  • Make a birdfeeder out of pinecones, peanut butter, and birdseed—and place it near your window for a show
  • Start some seedlings
  • Breathe in the smell of pine essential oil
  • Make snowman pancakes
  • Have a Game Night Marathon
  • Start a sourdough starter and create unique recipes

I hope these ideas get you to start thinking about your winter bucket list. Enjoy!

1 thought on “Winter Fun”

  1. Thanks for introducing Friluftsliving! The idea of a winter bucket list is great. We often get stuck in a rut of relaxing separately instead of together. Especially with teens!

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