About Auburn Raven

Hi! I am Amber. As a wife, mom, and small business owner I know what it is like to be BUSY and FRAZZLED. I always felt like I was on the hamster wheel, running like crazy but never actually getting where I wanted to be. After I left my corporate job to stay home with my children (the J girls), I learned quickly that I needed more balance in my life.

Happy Family in the Mountains

Balance is the Key!

I discovered ways to balance my life and stay organized. With my systems and plans you too can a balanced lifestyle. With more balance comes more peace and contentment. 

With a passion for inspiring others, I can show you how we, as parents, can support our families while instilling faith and fun along the way. My journey and compassionate nature drive my mission to be a guiding light, helping others find balance.

Family in Poudre River
Photo by Twisted Lens

Why the Name Auburn Raven?

I am not really the black sheep of my family but more an auburn raven in society. Being open minded and curious about the human journey I do not fit into the boxes people try to put us in. I love people and believe we are all here for a greater purpose and that God loves us unconditionally. If we learn to love, forgive and accept then we have the keys to a peaceful and beautiful life. 

Why the Raven?

The Raven is the symbol for having wisdom, knowing a higher power and being fearless. Did you know that Noah sent the raven out first to find land? It never came back and much later Noah sent the dove.  

“Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. I am the Lord your God. I will be with you everywhere you go.” Joshua 1:9

Painting by Holly Bryson
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