5 Steps to Hearing God
In a world filled with noise and distractions, many people desire a deep connection with something greater than themselves. Hearing God’s voice can be a source of guidance, comfort, and purpose. But how do you hear God in the middle of the chaos of everyday life? While hearing God is personal and can vary between people, there are certain practices and principles that can help create a deeper connection and enable you to hear God more clearly. Here are five steps to help you on your journey to hearing God’s voice.
Seek a Relationship with God
The best way to hear God’s voice is developing a relationship with Him. Like any relationship, spending time together and engaging in meaningful conversation is essential. Make prayer and contemplation a regular part of your daily life. Create a space where you can connect with God on a deeper level. For me, it is being in nature and just walking outside. Set aside moments in your day, to listen and communicate with Him. By creating a relationship with God, you develop the foundation for hearing His voice.
Read Scripture
The Bible serves as a direct channel to understanding God’s character, His will, and His voice. Reading and thinking about the Scriptures allows you to align your heart and mind with His truth. As you read the Bible, pay attention to the stories, teachings, and principles that resonate with you. Take note of verses that seem to speak directly to your situation or stir something within your spirit. The more familiar you become with God’s Word, the more readily you will recognize His voice speaking through it.
Find Stillness
In our fast-paced world, finding moments of quiet and stillness is challenging, especially for moms. However, it is in these moments that God often speaks most clearly. Try finding pieces of quiet in your life. It could be a nature walk, sitting in a quiet moment, or coloring while talking to God. You may need to step away for a few minutes or get up before the little ones wake up. When you take time to calm your mind and tune out distractions, you create an environment where you can pick out the quiet whispers of God’s voice.
Listen with an Open Heart and Mind
Hearing God requires humility and openness. Surrender your expectations and allow God’s wisdom to shape your path. Be aware of the subtle ideas and thoughts that emerge during prayer and reflection time. God’s voice often comes as a still, small voice. It can even present itself in dreams. Be prepared to hear His message even in the midst of the noise of life.
Seek Confirmation and Guidance
While personal revelation is valuable, seeking confirmation and guidance from trusted mentors can provide further clarity. God often speaks through others. I have a friend who seems to have a direct line to God. I often call her to discuss something and she reveals what God is saying to me. After her revelation, it seems so obvious. In the moment I often miss the thing that is right in front of me. Others can identify a message even without them knowing that is what they are doing. Listen, and be still. You will know in your heart when God is speaking through someone else.
Hearing God is a Journey
Hearing God is a journey that requires time, patience, and a sincere desire for a relationship with Him. When you pursue a deeper connection through prayer and reflection you gain the ability to recognize His voice. Embrace quiet, listen with an open mind, and listen to others confirmation to hear God. Remember that hearing God is a relationship, and each person’s journey will be unique. May your journey of hearing God bring you closer to His love, wisdom, and purpose for your life.