Turkey Talk

With Thanksgiving coming what are you Thankful for? Family rings true for me including both nuclear and extended. Let your bonds be stronger than your fear. According to the web, “family is a group of people who want as well as choose to be together embraced by a bond that not even the slightest test of trials or troubles can breach”. With COVID we have been tested. Many of us realize that we need our families now more than ever. Some family bonds have broken over politics, religion and COVID rules and mandates. Remember that families can offer predictability, structure, and safety if we choose that. One way to achieve this is avoid the forbidden 3. Yes, never talk turkey with family at the Thanksgiving table. Avoid discussions that flare fear, rage or distress. So, avoid politics, religion or COVID discussions. “Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” Let us not forget the true meaning of family. Be thankful and enjoy the turkey talk.

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