You often hear about the unforgivable sin. I have been researching this for years. I was mislead to believe it was committing suicide. And since I have several friends and relatives who have done this, it really hurt me and made me search harder for the answer. Today I share what the unforgivable sin is, why it is unforgivable and how you can steer clear of it. Read on to discover what I have uncovered.
What is the Unforgivable Sin
“And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come” Matthew 12:31-32.
What is Blasphemy?
Some people think blasphemy is using God’s name or Jesus’s name in “vain” or a cussing situation. I used to think this, and sadly have done it. Though they can appear to be similar, there is a difference between taking the Lord’s name in vain and blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
Heart and Will
The difference between the two lies in your heart and will. People who take the Lord’s name in vain often do so willingly. However, this is usually born out of their ignorance. Generally speaking, they have never had a true revelation of who God is. When someone truly understands who God is, it becomes very difficult to take his name in vain. They develop a deep reverence for him.
Why is it the Unforgivable Sin?
The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is different because it is not an act of ignorance, it is an act of willful defiance. You must choose to blaspheme, slander, and reject the work of the Holy Spirit.
Blasphemy, according to Romans 1:25, is to replace truth about God with lies. “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. “ Blasphemy is spiritual deception, such as leading people astray. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea” Matthew 18:6.
Role of the Spirit
Let’s examine how the Holy Spirit works. You will then understand why the person who commits this sin can never receive forgiveness. According to John 16:8-9 one of the primary works of the Holy Spirit is to convict the world of sin. “When he comes, he will show the world it was wrong about sin, righteousness, and judgment: it (the world) was wrong about sin because they don’t believe in me.”
The Key to Forgiveness?
All sin can be forgiven. However, the key to forgiveness is repentance (sincere regret or remorse). The key to repentance is conviction (firmly held belief). The source of conviction is the Holy Spirit. When a person blasphemes, slanders and rejects the true work of the Holy Spirit, they disconnect their source of conviction. When this happens, no one or nothing can move that person to repentance. Without repentance, there can be no forgiveness.
Beyond Repentance
In essence, they won’t be forgiven because they cannot ask for it. They can never reach the point of seeking it. They have cut themselves off from the one who can lead them to acknowledgment and sincere regret. Typically the person who falls into this sin probably does not even know that they are beyond repentance and forgiveness.
Amber has a BA in Psychology and a Masters Degree in Human Resources. She spent 9 years working in youth and multi-generational ministry where she focused on making faith fun. Her book, The Beginner’s Guide to God, will be out spring of 2025. She is the author of the blog AuburnRaven – Balancing Faith, Family & Fun. She has a passion for introducing people to God’s love and biblically equipping parents and teachers so children can grow in faith. Her journey, tips and lessons can be found on her blog You can connect with her on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.