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The Lost

Oh how I love fall and potluck season! Fall is a great time for people to gather. At our church potluck last week I met a stranger with some insight. As I set up tables in the park he approached. Sam, a bubbly character, asked   if I had seen any “lost” people. He was leading a meetup for a spiritual discussion and he couldn’t find all the people who signed up. He asked what I was doing and I told him I was setting up for a church potluck. He proceeded to tell me how he is spiritual but doesn’t “believe“ in church. “People in church are not “real” nor do they actually care about you. They are just self-serving and want to consume at church.”

Well, he had a point. I spent several years volunteering and working at a church while my kids were young. Believe me, I saw it all.

The thing about church people that we often do not consider is that they are human. The church is human. It is run by humans, the leaders of the church are human, even the head of the church is human. Working closely with 5 pastors from various churches, I assure you they are real people with their own hang-ups and issues just like you and me! While immersed in service to the church my frustration in the church and the people of the church grew. Turning to God and praying a lot to figure out the whole church thing gave me insight and light to the question, “what is the purpose of the church?”. Am I better off seeking spirituality on my own? Do I need this stress and chaos? The cliques… the sorrow. God told me that church is simply a place for community. Not perfection nor divine intervention it is just a place to gather and love others.

We don’t all see God the same, hell we don’t agree on much as humans but God created us to work, serve and play together. Why are we constantly looking for differences in hate and darkness instead of commonalities in love and light? Why do God AND the Devil exist. Why does it seem that God is imperfect? Could it be that we are imperfect and can only see what isn’t right and just? How did the Devil fall if created by a perfect God? Remember… the devil divides and God gathers.

Hebrews 10:24-25

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. 

2 thoughts on “The Lost”

  1. I have struggled with church people all my life. Expecting more from them than others and we all fall short and let each other down. If I go with the intent to serve and forget my needs, I do much better and Heavenly Father really comforts and blesses me more than I deserve every time.

    Love your Blog!!!!!!

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