The Gift of Family

There is a young family at church that seems so tired, frazzled and plain worn out. I try to encourage the mom and tell her it will get easier. She is in the tough physical years. Each parenting season has it’s struggles and its blessings.  It brings me back to when my kids were young. I had a 4 yr old, a 2 yr old and a newborn. I was flat out exhausted.

My mom is good about not giving out unsolicited advice, and I appreciate that. But when my kids were young, she gave one really good piece of advice I will not forget. She said toddlers are testing their independence just as teens do later and if you do not get a handle on them then, the teen years will be unbearable. She was right. She told me it didn’t matter how tired I was that these formidable years were short and time was of the essence. I decided to crack down and stop my apathy just because I was worn out. The kids got better and honestly, today they are really easy teenagers. Sure, they have drama, anxiety and other teen issues but they talk to me. They are honest even if something “bad” happens. And boy I could tell some crazy stories on this!

Family is a gift from God. Most of the time I realize and appreciate this. But what about the times when your teen gets caught doing something questionable? How about when your elementary school child got caught stealing from a classmate. How about those hormones in middle school years? Aren’t there times when you wonder how this ”gift” can be so darn difficult?

I always joke that God made the teen years tough, so we as parents are ready to let go when it is time. We do not get through this world unscathed and the teen years are especially tough but I am so grateful that I have my family. We have been through some quite crazy things and we have each other to lean on.

Years ago, the Pastor asked if I would speak to the congregation on Mother’s Day about motherhood. People had spoken before and had amazing and inspiring stories. I wasn’t sure I had much to say. I decided to talk about the gift of motherhood. I have 3 kids and have learned 3 things about family.

First, scars heal. Second, be yourself. And Third, stop and smell the roses. I will speak more on this on my Mother’s Day blog.

There are times when I wonder why we go through so much and what the purpose of family is. Family is there for you, through thick and thin. I thank God for the blessing of my family and hope you all appreciate yours too.

According to Family is at the center of God’s plan for the happiness and progress of His children. The Holy Bible teaches that God established families from the very beginning, and it shows us many examples of strong families. It also teaches us how to have a loving, happy family.  A loving family is a treasure from God. If God has blessed you with a close knit, supportive clan, offer a word of thanks to your Creator because He has given you one of His most precious earthly possessions.

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