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Snap Map is a JOKE!

And it is Actually Super Dangerous

OMG…you won’t believe this…I didn’t. My daughter decided to invite 12 kids over for my other daughter’s birthday celebration. I usually do all the bday planning but thought it was nice of her to take the lead this time. After all she is 18.

They Descended Upon Our Home

The group was in the basement and my hubby and I sat in the front room where kids have to go past us to get to the basement. All was well until 10:30. All of a sudden it was like our home was being taken over with teens. They just kept coming in the front door. We locked it and turned off the porch light. Then the teens started jumping our fence and coming through the back door. 35 kids came in within 15 minutes. I asked my oldest who they were and she had no idea. Apparently, kids can see their friends on a snap map in the snap chat app. This is how they figure out where everyone is. People saw a group of kids and started descending upon our residence. It took 1 hour to get rid of everyone and it was actually quite scary. Kids had snuck in alcohol and who know what else. Some showed up smelling like “stuff” and I was furious at how they just took over my home.

It Has Happened to Others

This has happened to 4 other families I know in the last year. Why do these kids think they can do this? They have ruined it for my house. We were the hangout place many kids go but now I don’t allow that. Social media is not only ruining our kids but it is making it easier for bad situations to happen. I don’t like big brother and I certainly don’t like people being able to look up where I am on a map. My kids look up their friends to see where they are and what is happening. So now it seems stalking is quite fine. What if someone wanted to find someone to hurt them?

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