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Praise Report

What is a Praise Report

I have a dear friend that I share praise reports with. She calls when God answers a prayer for her and I tell her about my answered prayers. It can be anything really. It can be something big like a new job or healing a friend or co-worker. It may also be something small like how my daughter wanted to go for a walk with me last night and she opened up and shared a struggle.

Making it Happen

This practice not only makes you a more grateful person, but it helps you to see how God is working in your life and the lives of others. I highly recommend finding someone or emailing me at AuburnRaven7@gmail.com to share praise reports. This practice keeps us accountable and helps us focus on more positive things.

Thank You

Today I want to share my praise report. I prayed for years about giving me the courage to start a blog and today is my 1 year anniversary! Today is my 50th blog post. Yesterday I began a blog academy to hone in my focus and to improve my skills. I am so grateful to my followers and am open to ideas or suggestions from you all. Thank you for reading my blogs and for following me!

Auburn Raven

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