veggie crab salmon cake

New Recipes for the New School Year

First Week Down

Well we made it through the first full week of school with only a couple of hiccups. I love this time of year. We get back to routines and slow down a bit. This year the weather is cooler in Colorado so I am able to get my fall on. I am using pumpkin creamer already and am baking. I love it!

New Things

Another great thing about this time of year is your kids can reinvent themselves. I remind them to find a new thing and go for it. So taking my own advice I decided to try some new recipes.

A New Spin on an Old Recipe

My hubby and I love crab cakes and I have made them many times before for special occasions. So when I realized we have a pack of canned salmon about ready to expire I decide I am making salmon cakes with my favorite crab cake recipe. That seems easy enough you say? But of course I have 2 vegetarians in the house. So I microwaved 2 potatoes, 1 sweet potato and 3 broccoli florets. This veggie variation is a bit more sticky so I only needed 1 egg to keep it all together.

The Result?

I used some spinach leaves and a dollop of thousand island dressing as a dip. Everyone in my family of 5 loved these! I wasn’t sure how it would go since everyone has their own unique taste and pickiness. Success is sweet!

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