Fluffy Egg Casserole

This recipe is easy to reheat and can be altered to fit any palette. I make it on Sunday and we can eat leftovers for a few meals during the week. You can even wrap it up and take it to work or school for a mid-day snack.


12 eggs beat up

½ stick butter melted

½ cup flour

1 lb shredded cheese

2 Tblsp baking powder

1 small tub cottage cheese






Green Chilis


Ham and Swiss


Step 1 –  

Preheat oven to 325

Melt butter in microwave. Add flour and stir until smooth.

Step 2 –

Beat eggs in separate bowl. Chop all veggies and meats. Add to eggs. Add flour/butter mixture, cheese and cottage cheese. Add the baking powder. It will start to foam at this point.

Step 3 –

Pour into lightly oiled large casserole baking dish. Cook for 30 minutes until slightly brown and firm texture.  

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