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Family VDay Fun


Maybe you’re a total sucker for Valentine’s Day. Maybe you consider it an over-commercialized holiday during which candy companies make out like bandits. Whatever the case, there’s no denying that February 14 is a great opportunity to remind your loved ones just how much you care. I think that applies to the family unit and that is how we celebrate.

Being Left Out

Pre-teens and teens seem so sensitive about fitting in, don’t they? In grade school, kids are required to give a valentine to every kid in class. My kids always would overthink which card they would give each kid because they did not want to give the wrong impression of their feelings for someone. It took hours to get all three of their class cards done. 

By the time kids are in middle and high school they can purchase a valentine from the school and have it delivered to the other person’s class. Many preteens and teens grow to dislike the holiday and get sad when friends get a valentine and they do not. It can be a reminder that they do not fit in or are not liked as much as someone else. 

What Is Valentine’s Day, Really?

Isn’t it funny how so many holidays start out as one type of celebration and evolve into something different? Valentine’s Day is no different. It is based on a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine. So many people back then were named Valentine, so historians are not completely sure if it was celebrating one or two people. The holiday goes by several names including Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine. Over time it has become a celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.  

Make it About Family

In our home we try to focus on making it a light holiday where we just celebrate our love of family. Our family goal is to make the holiday different from what it is commercially and take some pressure off. Each year we pick an activity and make a fun dinner. A few years back we decided to send cards to all the cousins. It was so fun to decorate and write in the cards for each cousin. 

This year we will play a Valentine game and make dinner at home. It is a great opportunity to get to know people better. Teens can be difficult to talk to, but this game will help get them talking. You can get directions for the game Here and the recipes Here

There is no right or wrong way to celebrate. Whatever you decide to do let it express your love for others.

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