Carving Devotion Time

As a busy mom, finding time for devotions is challenging. Your schedule is packed from the moment your feet hit the floor in the morning until the moment you drop into bed at night (even in the middle of the night oftentimes). Daily prayer and devotion time give you the foundation and strength you need to get through the day.

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April Fools

April Fools! Yay, April Fools’ Day! The one day of the year where it’s actually OK to play practical jokes on your friends and loved ones without fear of retribution. Some pranks are harmless and hilarious, like covering your coworker’s desk with sticky notes or putting a fake spider in your spouse’s coffee cup. Others

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Easter is Coming!

Sneaking Up Another holiday is sneaking up on me. Can you believe it is almost Easter? The holidays always bring me back to my childhood. Times were simpler then and I try to keep our holiday traditions simple now especially in these crazy times. Why Have Traditions? Why do we have traditions and what makes

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