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April Fools

April Fools!

Yay, April Fools’ Day! The one day of the year where it’s actually OK to play practical jokes on your friends and loved ones without fear of retribution. Some pranks are harmless and hilarious, like covering your coworker’s desk with sticky notes or putting a fake spider in your spouse’s coffee cup. Others are more elaborate, like fake lottery tickets or fake news articles. But no matter what kind of prank you choose to play, April Fools’ Day is a day where everyone can have a good laugh and enjoy themselves.

Let Loose and Be Creative

One of the best parts about April Fools’ Day is that it’s a day where even the most serious people can let loose and have some fun. It’s a day where you can let your guard down and embrace your inner prankster. So why not have some fun this year? Here are a few prank ideas to get you started:

Ideas to Get You Started

  1. Fill your coworker’s cubicle with balloons. This is a classic prank that never gets old. Simply blow up a bunch of balloons and fill your coworker’s cubicle with them. It’s sure to make them smile.
  2. Put googly eyes on everything in your home. Googly eyes make everything silly. Put them on staplers, the coffee pot, computer monitors, and even on the refrigerator.
  3. Pretend to be a robot. This is a fun prank to play on your kids. Afterall, they already think we are weird! Walk around with your arms straight and speak in a monotone voice. Tell people you’re a robot and you’ve come to take over the world.
  4. Switch the contents of two food containers. This is a simple prank that can be done at home or at work. I like to switch the salt and sugar. Your will be be confused when their coffee tastes weird!

Keep it Harmless

No matter what prank you play, just remember to keep it light-hearted and harmless. April Fools’ Day is a day to have fun and enjoy yourself. So go out there and make someone laugh!

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