A Season to Reflect & Let Go

The very first time someone told me that the situation I was going through was “just a season,” I was convinced they were ridiculous! How could what I was feeling be just a season? The more I sought God and grew in spiritual maturity, I came to realize that they were right – that season was “just a season.” That “thing” you are currently facing whether it is struggles in your marriage, friendships, or relationships with kids, it really is just a season. What if we approached life from a perspective of understanding that each season teaches us lessons on strength, endurance, growth, faith, and trust? The question is how do we navigate these seasons?

God provides examples in the natural to help us understand our spiritual seasons. Our spiritual seasons typically mirror what we see in nature, however the timing of nature’s seasons, when we go through our particular seasons and the length of our seasons don’t always match.

Fall is a time of harvest – a time of pruning in preparation for winter. Leaves change to magnificent colors and fall from trees. Fall is a time of transition and preparation. This is a time when the Christian bears their fruits. Obedience to God and discipline bring out positive outcomes. However, more shaping from God is required to prepare the individual for the long winter season. If you look at nature this is typically a time of things falling away. Nature provides a great example of how this should look in our life. Often times we want to hold on and not let go of things that could potentially cause problems in our next season. Spiritual fall is a good time for you to grow your trust in God. Maybe God is calling some things to fall away in your life. What is He calling you to let go of?

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