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A Break for Mom

Survival Mode

Are you burnt out and need a break? Moms forget to take time out for themselves. When the kids are little or even busy teens, you are living in survival mode. There was 1 year where I had 3 kids at three different schools and none drove yet. Two were in sports and the other was in an art club. One was in competitive cheer in another town and had practice 3 times per week. I spent 10-15 hours per week in my car shuttling kids. I know, I counted. That year I quit my one activity; a mom’s bunco group. I couldn’t even get together once per month with other moms.


I started the school year ready to go, then it got really tough. All the driving, giving up things and then winter hit which made driving more difficult. I realized that I had to do something for myself, no matter how small. So, I took my journal, book and walking shoes with me on my trips to take my daughter to cheer. While she was at her 2-hour practice I used to grocery shop, run other errands or meal plan. But then I decided to take 30 minutes for me. I would walk or journal or read. It really was a life saver!

You Are Worthy

Remember that you are a person, who is worthy. We think we are supposed to be doing and being everything to everyone….but we really need to take breaks. Stop and enjoy the journey. Parenting is not a sprint; it is a journey. I tend to forget that especially in the midst of the chaos.

They Will Be OK

I want to know my children will get there….to adulthood without the bumps in the road. Give me assurance that they will be ok. The answers will present themselves as you live life and grow with God. It is ok to go through valleys, we all do. As long as your kids have your love and acceptance, they will get through the valleys as well. Give them the foundation and they will always be able to return to it. Proverbs 22:6 says “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Don’t Forget to Balance

Maybe you’ve been in survival mode so long you forgot how to balance everything. It is really hard to grow faith, nurture family and find fun when you are just getting through each day. Raising a family and building your family’s future is a huge undertaking. Take it slow and enjoy the journey. You do not have to do it all. Let some things go. Step back. Leave the dishes and laundry to enjoy a moment with your child. There is always another chance to get to it later.

Permission To Be You

You have permission to take time for you.

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