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Winter Family Fun

Winter Fun Ideas, Indoors and Out

This winter seems to keep going on longer and stronger than the last few years. Yes, Phil saw his shadow so we are expected to have more winter. However, winter makes it tough for this sun loving, hiking and camping girl to find things to stay motivated in the winter.

I put some deep thought and family discussion time into listing things my family can do for winter fun. Bucket lists are a great way to get motivated and try something new. This is our new family winter bucket list. I hope it inspires you to try something new.

Things to do Outside

  • Winter Scavenger Hunt
  • Go ice skating
  • Kick back in an outdoor hot tub
  • Go stargazing
  • Take a wintry hike
  • Breathe in the smell of pine (try pine essential oil or a candle)
  • Build snow forts and have a snowball fight
  • Try friluftsliving

Things to do Inside

  • Make homemade Hot Chocolate
  • Enjoy a living room picnic
  • Build pillow/blanket forts
  • Mail a handwritten card to an old friend or distant relative
  • Cook a meal with each family member in charge of a different course
  • Start some seedlings (Yay, spring is around the corner!)
  • Make snowman pancakes
  • Have a Game Night Marathon

Try Something New

Use the winter months as a way to encourage your teen to discover hidden talents and new interests. A little creativity and imagination can go a long way toward keeping their mind and body active.

We took turns listing things we wish we knew how to do. One of my kids wanted to learn how to play the piano. She watched videos and taught herself several songs. Then we had a concert night where we dressed up and had snacks while she played the piano.

My other daughter wanted to learn how to do resin pouring. We purchased supplies and she taught herself. Then she set up a “store” and let us each select resin items to “purchase”.

Build Social Skills

One of the best ways to help kids deal with winter boredom is to encourage them to be active with their friends. Seeing friends outside of school can also help build social skills. So let your child invite a friend over or plan a gathering with a group.

It can be a great time to practice specific social skills, like making a phone call (as opposed to just texting). Teach life lessons about friendship too, like the importance of reciprocating social invitations and being a good host.

Here are some ways your child can maintain healthy friendships during the winter:

Stay Active Together

If you struggle to find activities that keep your family active, don’t give up. Keep trying new things. In fact, you might even take turns picking activities each week for the family to try. Eventually, you’ll discover activities you all enjoy—and likely have fun in the process. Aim to try things with an open mind, particularly the suggestions your kids have for doing stuff together like watching tik tok videos or making slime.

When everyone keeps moving and engages together, you’ll stay physically and emotionally healthier throughout the winter. And you’ll teach your children healthy habits that may stick with them throughout life.

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