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Get RACKed – Simplified

Random Acts of Christmas Kindness

What is RACKed

I always admire the people who have so much time and energy this time of year. I have friends who do RACKed activities. Random Acts of Christmas Kindness started as a month-long activity of doing a new random kindness act each day of December.  

It reminds me of the elf on the shelf. Which I tried and failed miserably I might add. I am not one of those people who has the time and energy to do a daily activity to make Christmas better for everyone around me. I am just trying to do ALL THE THINGS and if Christmas cheer fits in then great.

For our family it is better to focus on a few things well then try to do everything half-baked. I prefer 3 great memories rather than a daily task I must do to keep the tradition going.

How RACKed can be Simplified

Our family is crazy busy this time of year and I wanted to make it simple so we have 1 Random Act of Christmas Kindness night to look forward to. This gives us a bigger focus and we can do 1 thing well rather than a bunch of smaller things not so well. We try to do kindness everywhere we go without it being a “task” to check off the list. Simply holding the door at the store for an elderly person is kind.

How We Incorporate RACKed

I pick a night where we get our hot cocoas and scavenger hunt Christmas lights list. We drive around looking at lights and then we go to the grocery store and drop off our RACKed Christmas Kindness gifts. My car has tinted windows so we watch people and laugh. 2 young men looked terrified when they saw the You’ve Been RACKed sign on their windshield. Once they read the entire tag they smiled and looked around. We enjoy this night so much and plan it for days ahead.

Change it Up

We also change it up occasionally. One year we dropped off a bear at a girl’s house who was going through chemotherapy treatments. She didn’t know us and we signed the card from Santa. We had a blast and still talk about that one today!

Creating Memories with RACKed

Random Acts of Christmas Kindness do not have to be big to be memorable. Things don’t have to be planned perfectly. That sets you up for disappointment. Try to be in the moment as much as possible this season and just plan a few things well so you can actually enjoy this wonderful season of giving and hope.

Click here to get the Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt

Click Here to get the RACKed tags

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