Nertz Card Game

Both my family and my husband’s family grew up playing games and cards. When my husband and I got married I had to learn Nertz. It was a favorite among his family. Today my entire extended family over about age 8 knows how to play Nertz. It is a great party game or family reunion game because it is fast paced and any number of players can play. Last night my kids had some friends over (both old and new friends) and they taught 3 more kids how to play Nertz. Today I share the rules and tips on how to play Nertz. May it bring you as much fun as it has brought our family.

If you’re a fan of card games, one of the most convenient games to have in your repertoire is Nertz (or Nerts) the card Game. Learning the Nertz card game rules are straightforward if you’re already familiar with Solitaire. Nertz takes Solitaire’s concept and turns it into a patient yet competitive game for multiple players. 

History of the Game

Nertz the card game gets traced back to as early as the 1940s, with different variations depending on the region. 

The origin of the game is largely unknown according to the National Nertz Association, who take pride in the fact that the game is mysterious.

  • Number of Players Required: 2-8 players. For most entertaining gameplay results, try to play with no more than 5. More than 8 the game becomes too difficult to play.
  • Who Can Play It: Recommended for players ages 8+.
  • Difficulty: Medium difficulty.
  • Length of Play: 10 – 20 minutes per round. Play as many rounds as you wish.
  • Main Goal: Become the first player to be able to get rid of all cards from the ‘Nertz’ pile and have the highest score at the end.
  • Why we love it: A card game that rewards patience but is also ultra-competitive, it can be tricky to learn at first. But once you and your friends get the hang of the Nertz card game rules, then it will lead to hours of many tense games.

Playing Nertz – What You’ll Need:

1 x Standard deck of cards (PER PLAYER!)

Every player must have their own deck of cards. Each deck must have a different design on its back for the game to work.

Game Setup

Each player will need to deal 13 cards in one pile12 faced down and the 13th card face up on top. This is the Nertz pile.

Next to the Nertz pile, each player needs to deal with 4 cards face up side-by-side to begin 4 work piles. Leave the remaining cards face down in a pile as the stock pile.

Players form a circle with their pile of cards, as the area in the middle of all players is the common area. This is where gameplay takes place.

The individual area in which the cards are set up is each player’s tableau.

Game Rules

As soon as players have formed their piles, are sat in a circle comfortably, and have all their snacks ready, the game of Nertz can begin.

Starting the Game

The Nertz Card Game rules don’t have players taking turns like a conventional card game. Everyone plays at the same time in a fast-paced strategy game. 

Players must only move cards from the common area with one hand, the other hand must be holding onto their stock at all times.

Working the Work Piles

Work Piles get built up in descending order with the colors alternating and the cards overlapping one another.

So a red 7 is on a black 8, which is on a red 9, and so on. Players can move any card on one of the work piles onto another work pile if it’s possible to do so, with any other card below it going too.

If there is an empty space in one of the 4 work piles, then players can fill the gap with any card left in a player’s stockpile.


Foundations are what’s formed in the common area and must always begin with an ace and go up in numerical order with cards from the same suit as the ace.

Players form these whenever a player comes across an ace in any of their piles but isn’t exclusive to one player. So anyone can play a card onto anyone’s foundation if it fits.

Stock and Waste Pile

Start the waste pile with 3 cards from the stock face up, but they must get played in the order that they’re set down.

The top card of the waste pile can get used onto one of a player’s work pile or a foundation if it fits. Draw another 3 cards and place on top the current waste pile.

The winner gets decided when one player goes through their Nertz Pile first and declares NERTZ!

Scores are then counted up depending on what is in a player’s work piles.

Scoring the Nertz Card Game

Once a player calls a Nertz, every player counts any card that they have played onto a foundation and get 1 point for each card that they have added to the foundation area.

This is the reason why it is vital each player uses their own deck of cards with a different back to identify each player’s successful play.

For every card left in the Nertz pile, that player must take a -2 point penalty that gets deducted from their score.

The highest score at the end of the game wins.

Good luck and have fun. This game has brought our family many laughs and hours of competitive fun and I hope the same for you.

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