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10 Summer Fun Activities for Teens

Leaders in the Fun Category

My teens are all leaders in the fun category. I was always that kid as well and now my husband and I plan lots of family gatherings and friend adventures. People tend to look to us for what the plan is. For the first decade of our marriage our best man from our wedding would call every Friday and ask, “What’s The Plan?”. It is our standing joke. 


When I was a teen I would gather about a dozen kids together on the weekends to do non-traditional teen things. We would go ice skating or hiking. One Saturday we had approval from parents to “kidnap their kids” at 5 am and we ended up at a park with a picnic breakfast. My teens lead a lot of the same types of activities. I was an early driver and so are my kids so they are lucky enough to be able to drive kids around to do these things. But before they drove, I told them that they can make fun anywhere if they are creative.

The Fun House

We lovingly call our house the fun house. We are the hub of activity. Kids are always here. They come and go but we try to open our home and positivity to others so they feel welcome here. My oldest is in college this year and she and her friends will come over to use the kitchen when they feel like baking. I even get a cookie or two as a thank you!


Being the Fun House is messy and loud but I learned that if you are open to saying yes and listen to the kids you learn a lot. Kids come to chat, eat and just be kids. Our house is safe and free of judgement. We have rules and boundaries (no drugs/alcohol, be out by 12:30, be respectful, clean up after yourself, be honest) but we also share the light of God as examples of love and acceptance.

10 Activities for Teens

My kids are known for planning fun activities. They are surrounded by a variety of teens and kids pop up from all walks of life. Kids know they can call my kids if they need something to do or someone to hang with. Here are my kids’ favorite things to do.

Volleyball and Other Yard Games at the Park – The kids love to meet at the park to play volleyball, tennis, soccer or even some of our yard games. We have ladder ball and spike ball. They are inexpensive and someone usually has one they can bring.

Picnics/Hammocking – Believe it or not, they still like to picnic at the park or by the river. Teen picnics are also called hammocking. They bring their hammocks and set up in the trees and just chat, listen to music and read their phones.

Play Cards/Board Games – A special memory of mine is all the card games we played with my grandparents and parents. You would not believe how many kids today know nothing about cards! They are inexpensive, easy to take with you and take up so little room. Everyone should know how to play several card games. My family holds regular game/card nights and teens often ask if they can come. And if any friends are at the house, they get sucked into playing at least 2 rounds. We have taught so many kids how to play card games. It is good for your brain and soul.

Bake – All 3 of my kids like to Bake. I keep a supply of baking items on hand. They tend to do this more around the holidays but sometimes they just feel like cooking.

Bike – Most kids get around on bikes. We live in Fort Collins, CO which is know for being a bike friendly town with tons of trails. The kids still bike for fun to the trails or to the stores.

Swim – We have several reservoirs within 20 minutes of our house. We have an inflatable paddle board and small kayak the kids can fit into my SUV and take to the reservoirs. There are also lots of pools around. If this is not an option you can still do the slip and slide, sprinkler obstacle course or the sprinklers under the trampoline! My kids still do those things when they do not feel like going anywhere.

Hike – Again, we live in a place full of outdoor adventure areas but if you do not have access to hiking, walking is always good. Have your kids walk to 7-11 for a Slurpee. Have them walk the dog. Do a nature scavenger hunt. All these things are good and get them outside.

Drive-in/Backyard Movie Night – We are fortunate to have a drive-in theater here in town so that is a popular spot for teens to hang out at. They pack food, blankets and chairs and go have a great time. Regular movies are great too and many towns have a discount theater. Outdoor Movie Night – projector, blankets

Backyard Bonfires – The kids love to make smores, setup camp chairs, tell stories and have a water bucket nearby in case the fire gets too big.

Just Dance Night – This competitive video game is competitive and provides a fun way to exercise. It is great to do when it is hot out.

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