Easter Fun and Traditions

Another holiday is sneaking up on me. Can you believe it is almost Easter? The holidays always bring me back to my childhood. When I was a child, we had a tradition of going out for Easter brunch. The Easter bunny was always there. It was a fun time and there was so much food to choose from. Times were simpler then and I try to keep our holiday traditions simple.

Why do we have traditions and what makes them important? Family traditions are important because they bring meaning to celebrations and foster special bonds. More importantly, traditions create positive experiences and memories for everyone by nurturing a family’s connection and giving them a sense of belonging.

We have three main traditions for Easter. First, the baskets and egg hunt.  When the kids were young, I painted and decorated a basket for each child. We put them out like Christmas stockings and each one is designed with their favorite colors and spring embellishments. I love to fill each basket with special items like 1 piece of jewelry, a new shirt and snacks for their school lunches.

Next, we go to church. It is a time to celebrate our faith and share time with others. The kids love to dress up in fun spring attire.

After church we come home and eat a fun bunny breakfast and get ready for our afternoon family picnic. We make a picnic (weather permitting) and walk to the park and take a frisbee. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we have a picnic in the living room and play card games.

Here is my Pinterest Easter Board to help give you ideas.  https://www.pinterest.com/amberjgirl/easter/

I am always looking to add to our family traditions. It is time to get some fresh new ideas! Feel free to email me at AuburnRaven7@gmail.com what your traditions are or comment on this post.

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