God Spoke to me and I Almost Missed it

I am told I am a good listener. If that is true why do I not hear God? Is it because He is subtle? When my children were in grade school God spoke and I almost missed it. Raising kids is great, but a bit like groundhog day. Nothing is ever finished and your whole sense of purpose can diminish. I prayed for a purpose, a higher calling. The pastor at the church we attended asked if I wanted to be the youth lead. I laughed and politely declined. He said to take 2 weeks and pray about it.

That was such a funny offer. I have never worked with kids. I am not a teacher. My kids are easy and I am their mom so I have final say. What do you do with other people’s kids?

I called my best friend and she laughed at me and said what, does God have to hit you over the head with it. Seriously? Is God asking me to work with kids? My fears surfaced about failing in front of the people I attended church with, losing respect because I have a church job (major conversation stopper) and not living up to God’s standards.

I worked in this role which grew into a much larger role, for 6 good years. The timing was perfect, as God’s timing always is. My 3 children helped me with lesson plans, teaching crafts and choreographing dances for the Christmas program. We even planned and hosted sports and games camps over the summers. We started a weekly game night and they led games like Grog and Ghost in the Graveyard. I think they got as much out of it as I did. Even my husband was involved a lot. He did sound for all our productions and came to help with game nights. My now 19 year old got a tattoo in my handwriting that says Faith. She said I taught her a lot about God and faith.

Actually, God answered my prayers on many levels. In a selfish way I wanted to feel needed beyond my family. But I also wanted my kids to know God. This was how he spoke. My kids and the church kids got older and busier, and the church shrank so I left that position. I knew it was time. God left an imprint on me, my husband and my 3 girls. It was my family’s time and calling to work for God.

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