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How to Find Devotional Time While You Juggle Life

It makes me crazy that people think you could carve out an hour every morning without interruptions. Let’s be real people. Not only do I have 3 kids, a job and a husband, I have a dog and a cat that won’t even let me stretch without it becoming play time for them. When the kids were little I couldn’t even shower or use the restroom without someone coming to ask me what I was doing. I have tried to get up earlier than everyone else. It never works. Someone always seems to get up right when I start reading or listening to a pod cast. “They” say that your priority shows in how you spend your time and you must try harder to put God first. Well, it looks different in everyone’s lives. I found a way that works for me and in sharing maybe you can find a few tips that will help you.

My secret, I pray every chance I get. I pray while I am driving kids around. I pray while walking the dog. I pray after I park my car before I run in to get a few groceries. These prayers are short but frequent. My prayers are just mini conversations with God. Sometimes it is as simple as please God, help me have the strength to get through this day. Other times it is thank you God for allowing my child to do well on their test. I ask God to Write on my heart the lessons He wants to teach me today and to fill my mouth with His words and thoughts, not mine. I love that I can reach out to God anytime I want.

No matter how hard I try to carve a “regular time and space” I find that doesn’t really work in a traditional sense with kids, pets, husbands, jobs, etc. Instead of beating yourself up over not doing devotionals the “right” way in the season you are in, know that God truly just wants to spend time with you. I believe the relationship piece is the most important piece and you can do that anywhere, anytime. People probably wonder if I am talking to myself, but I don’t care. God and I have a relationship and I love that!

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