School Backpack


Whether you feel ready or not for this school year, let’s get our hearts and homes set up for the best success for the new school year. Remember that successful learning begins in the home. We are examples to our kids and we do so much teaching right at home. Whether you have young kids, teenagers, or even college-bound students, creating a conducive environment at home is essential for a successful academic journey. Here are 7 steps to help you support your children’s learning at school.

1 – Trust God

It is so important to teach our children that although we are not physically with them, God is. They can pray anytime they feel lonely, stressed or afraid. Here are 4 steps on how to teach your kids to pray. And as parents, we should pray daily for our kids as well. Sometimes our prayers are focused like “God please help John prepares for his tryout. Give him courage and strength to do his best.” Other times it is just “God be with Jenny, you know what she needs today.”

2 – Set Goals

Sit down with your kids to discuss their academic and personal goals for the school year. Set realistic expectations together and outline a plan to achieve them. Encourage open communication and provide support throughout the journey.

3 – Set Up a Family Planning Board

Set up a family planning board. Mine is a large corkboard in the kitchen. It has a small whiteboard on one side and a family birthday calendar on the other. The middle has a large calendar where we write everything down. On your main family calendar schedule in all of your priorities like dates with your husband, and your children; appointments, school activities; helping others, and more. We color code our calendar and then it is easy to see what the priorities are.

Daily Schedule

I post a separate page with our daily activities, work schedules and other consistent activities so people know where we all are. Establishing a daily routine is crucial for a successful school year. Start adjusting your family’s sleep schedules at least a week before school begins. Ensure everyone is getting enough rest to be alert and focused during classes. Plan specific times for studying, meals, play, and relaxation. A consistent routine helps kids manage their time effectively and minimizes stress.


Try to schedule all your routine appointments, errands, and outside events on the same day each week whenever possible. This routine helps me not miss important appointments and helps the kids know which days they may be pulled out of school.


When heart issues arise, stop everything to deal with them. Always bring your children back to trusting God. This will have an eternal impact. Show and model relationship priorities and make your children your priority at that moment.

4 – Organize and Declutter

Before the school year starts, take some time to declutter your home. Chaosproduces a paralyzing overwhelm where you don’t feel like you have a handle on anything. Go through your kids’ rooms, common areas, and study spaces to get rid of any unnecessary items. Organize school supplies, books, and other materials to ensure everything has a specific place. A clutter-free environment promotes concentration and reduces distractions during study sessions.

5 – Create a Dedicated Study Space

Designate a specific area in your home as a study space. It could be a corner of the living room, a spare room, or even a well-organized nook in the bedroom. Equip this space with a comfortable desk or table, ergonomic chair, good lighting, and all the necessary school supplies. Having a designated study area helps children and teenagers focus better and signals the brain that it’s time for learning.

6 – Encourage Reading

Create a reading-friendly environment in your home by setting up a small library or bookshelf. Stock it with age-appropriate books, magazines, and educational materials. Encourage a daily reading habit for all family members. Reading not only improves language skills but also fosters a love for learning and exploration.

7 – Foster a Positive Learning Environment

Lastly, create an atmosphere that fosters curiosity and a positive attitude towards learning. Celebrate achievements, no matter how small, and provide constructive feedback when needed. Support your kids’ passions and interests outside of academics, as well-rounded development is essential for success.

Embrace the Academic Year

By following these tips, you can transform your home into an ideal space for learning and personal growth. Preparing for the school year not only helps kids and teenagers succeed academically but also strengthens family bonds through shared responsibilities and a nurturing environment. Embrace the new academic year with enthusiasm and a well-prepared home!

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