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3 Steps to a Great Mothers Day Gift

We ought to be purposeful about the way we give gifts especially to mom. No one needs meaningless clutter in their lives. The best mom gifts inspire feelings that you care and are thinking about her. Here are the three steps I take when deciding on any gift.

First, think about mom’s hobbies or the way she spends her free time. Does she like to go out to eat? (restaurant gift card). Does she like to go to a movie or watch movies at home (movie gift basket with her favorite beverage, snack or candy). Is she an avid bird watcher? (camera, binoculars, bird book)

Second, what has she been saying she wishes she had? I would love to have a new lens for my camera? There is a new book out by my favorite author. Oh I could use a new pair of pajamas.

And finally think about what you have given her in the past. How does she react? I usually give my mom flowers and she is always so excited. One year I got her a restaurant gift card and her enthusiasm wasn’t nearly as much. So, I am back to flowers. I know she loves them and I can order them and not have to package and send something that may not make it on time. Sometimes I send a separate card so she gets 2 things. I write something that I remember or appreciate about her.

I hope these ideas got you thinking about how to make your mom feel appreciated and understood. After all that is what Mother’s Day is all about. And for you moms out there, I truly hope you feel understood and appreciated this coming Mother’s Day!

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