2 Weeks Until Easter!

Another holiday is sneaking up on me. Can you believe it is almost Easter? Only 2 weeks to get your heart and mind ready for the biggest Christian Holiday. In this blog, we’ll explore Easter traditions, unraveling their meanings and significance, and how they unite people in faith, family, and fun.

Simpler Times

The holidays always bring me back to my childhood. Times were simpler then and I try to keep our holiday traditions simple so my kids enjoy life without such big expectations. For many, Easter is also a time to reconnect with cultural heritage, passing down cherished customs from one generation to the next. Whether it’s preparing traditional dishes, crafting handmade decorations, or participating in regional festivities, these rituals serve as a thread connecting past, present, and future.


Family traditions bring meaning to celebrations and foster family bonds. More importantly, traditions create positive experiences and memories for everyone by nurturing a family’s connection and giving them a sense of belonging. Think back to your childhood and remember the simple, fun traditions of your youth. We have three simple traditions for Easter.

Easter Eggs

Easter eggs are perhaps one of the most well loved symbols of the holiday. Their origins can be traced back to ancient rituals celebrating the arrival of spring and new life. Early Christians adopted this symbol, expanding the meaning to represent the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter Basket & Egg Hunt

When the kids were young, I painted and decorated a basket for each child. We put them out on the fireplace step each year. Each one is designed with their favorite colors and spring embellishments. I love to fill each basket with special items like 1 piece of jewelry, a new shirt and snacks for their school lunches. For our family it is about things we can use.


Next, we go to church. It is a time to celebrate our faith and share time with others. Afterall Easter is really the most important Christian holiday. The kids love to dress up in fun spring attire. We love to see everyone at church and catch up with new and old friends. The message is usually the same but we love the feeling and tradition of it all.

Brunch and Games

After church we come home and eat a fun bunny brunch and get ready for our afternoon family picnic. We make a picnic (weather permitting) and walk to the park and take a frisbee. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we have a picnic in the living room and play card games. It is all about food, family and fun.

Embrace Traditions

In a world filled with uncertainty, Easter reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is always the promise of God’s love and eternal hope. As Easter approaches, let us embrace the traditions that unite us in faith, family, and fun. Whether we’re decorating eggs, sharing a meal with loved ones, or attending church services, let us remember the deeper meaning behind these customs – a celebration of new life, renewal and hope.

Pinterest Board

Here is my Pinterest Easter Board to help give you ideas.  https://www.pinterest.com/amberjgirl/easter/

I am always looking to add to our family traditions. It is time to get some fresh new ideas! Feel free to email me at info@AuburnRaven.com what your traditions are or comment on this post.

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